Ima­gi­ning heal­thi­er and hap­pi­er so­cie­ties for all ag­es

Das eu­ropäi­sche For­schungs­pro­jekt „Ageing and Gender in Eu­ro­pean Ci­ne­ma“. Frank­furt, Paris, Udine, Timișoara, London. To­tal span­nend, was das al­les mit uns zu tun hat. Und viel Ver­trau­en in un­sere De­sign­spra­che.


/ Sto­ry- & Mar­ken­design, Quiz­de­sign, Web­de­sign & ‑ent­wick­lung, Uni Management

hello Cinematic representation of old age and gender Never Too Old to be Seen Ageing and Gender in European Cinema Visibility of ageing women ageing Europe demographic change European production cultures inclusive politics of representation  re-articulation of the experience of age and gender Cinematic representation of old age and gender Never Too Old to be Seen Ageing and Gender in European Cinema Visibility of ageing women ageing Europe demographic change European production cultures inclusive politics of representation  re-articulation of the experience of age and gender 



so welcome Never Too Old to be Seen Ageing and Gender in European Cinema Visibility of ageing women ageing Europe re-definition of the experience of age and gender demographic change European production cultures inclusive politics of representation  re-articulation of the experience of age and gender Never Too Old to be Seen Ageing and Gender in European Cinema Visibility of ageing women ageing Europe re-definition of the experience of age and gender demographic change European production cultures inclusive politics of representation  re-articulation of the experience of age and gender 